Remember Mom this Sunday, May 13th


Mother’s Day is here – are your ready?

great ideas: 

  1. a card – hopefully you sent this already if she lives in a different area
  2. a phone call – if you can’t see her in person, call her and say “thanks and love you”
  3. if she loves to garden – a plant with a gift card to Home Depot or Lowe’s to buy more
  4. flower/balloon bouquet (available even at the grocery store)
  5. gift card to her favorite clothing store
  6. purchase her favorite perfume or make up
  7. take her to a restaurant
  8. plan a cookout/picnic – weather will be beautiful this weekend
  9. breakfast in bed
  10. purchase a book by her favorite author (or gift card to Amazon & let her order her own books)
  11. homemade card
  12. homemade coupon book- 1 coupon a month (wash her car, vacuum, do dishes, make dinner, walk the dog, clean your room, take out the trash, etc)
  13. take the kids to pick strawberries (leave mom relaxing on the deck in the sunshine) and make her favorite dessert
  14. it always works to combine several of the ideas mentioned above!

Remember, mom loves you unconditionally! She doesn’t expect you to spend a lot of money, just love her in return. Hugs, and phone calls, work wonders!

Happy Mother’s Day from Henry Property Management!

If you are looking for a new place to live in Cary, Apex, Morrisville or Holly Springs, North Carolina please contact us, we will be happy to assist you. 



About Henry Property Management

HPM specializes in residential rental properties in Cary, Apex, Holly Spring, and Morrisville. We aim to provide excellent customer service to our tenants and landlords and make the rental process as seamless as possible. This blog is to keep our clients and prospective tenants up to date on our current inventory and rental procedure, provide updates about Henry Property Management and Southwestern Wake County area, as well as offer useful information regarding home care and maintenance.
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